This page presents all tourism related indicators on a single platform in a user-friendly format. Database regularly includes more than 50 indicators with breakdown of sub-indicators under 4 main categories. This database allows users to download the required indicators over the selected country, city and time period rather than huge files. Database consists of 4 main links:

- "Interactive arrivals dashboard" allows to monitor arrivals data on a monthly basis.
- "Main interactive database dashboard" visualize all tourism related data.
- "Open data warehouse" allows to download all data shown in the main interactive database dashboard for the selected time periods, cities and countries.

1 602 600 +103 %
Number of arrivals January - December 2022
Arrive Defination:People who come to Azerbaijan for any purpose sayı Source: State Border Service
1 489 363 +35 %
Number of departures January - December 2022
Leave Defination: The number of people going to foreign countries from Azerbaijan for any purpose Source:State Border Service
Documents Title Date
Cover-a4 December 2022 18.01.2023
Cover-a4 November 2022 22.12.2022
Cover-a4 October 2022 03.11.2022
Cover-a4 September 2022 07.10.2022
Cover-a4 Annual Tourism Statistics - 2021 12.09.2022
Cover-a4 August 2022 07.09.2022
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December